About Us

We provide information, advice, support and advocacy to people who experience disability, vulnerability, distress and social exclusion.

As an organisation, we ensure that people have control over their own lives who,
tired of others making assumptions about their capabilities and views,
wanted equal access to information and a voice of their own.

We help people who because of a disability, illness, social exclusion and other challenges
find it difficult to express their views or get the support they need.

Arise Advocacy

Our Mission Is

“To empower people to have a voice and make a real difference to their lives”

Our Role Is

“To enable our clients’ voices to be heard, speaking for them when they can’t and supporting them when they can.”

Our Overall Strategic Aims Are

To enable all who need it to have a voice, to achieve empowerment and self-help so they win respect, uphold their rights and get their essential needs met

To respond to rising numbers living with mental ill-health, dementia or a disability and reach other excluded people who need support in navigating the system to access essential services